Saturday 15 May 2021

Saturday 15th May 2021 .. Read to the end ..

Friday 14th May 2021

Well, where to start ?

It was all going so well, and then all of a sudden, D I S A S T E R !!!

Everything looked normal yesterday, both parents in and out with food and attention. Then this morning, something didn't seem quite right, and at around 07:00Hrs,the parents seemed to be having a right old barney!!

Shortly after this, at around 07:20Hrs, I noticed that one of the chicks had perished, 😢 ok, not the end of the world, I thought, as it is very rare that the whole clutch survive to fledging. Mom duly disposed of the dead chick. Then at 08:55Hrs, another dead chick was removed from the cup, and at 09:53Hrs yet another !!

At 12:15Hrs, I could only spy 2 remaining chicks!! 😟

You can see here that both parents are still very much on the scene, so it isn't because one of them has been predated, which is one of the common reasons that nests fail. So, I am really at a loss as to why we had 7 chicks yesterday, but have ended up with just 2 this morning!

Then, this afternoon, I noticed that Mom was displaying some really strange behaviour ... She was wing flapping erratically inside the box, kept looking out of the hole but wouldn't leave !! Then she seemed to be dismantling the cup, pulling out feathers and soft material from below!!  She seemed very distressed (understandable!). It's as if she was trying to do a deep clean of the nest box, and re-arranging everything! Whilst she was doing this, the remaining two chicks were buried within the nest 'fluff' somewhere! 

Is she traumatised at having lost so many chicks? Is she trying to build a new nest cup for the remaining chicks? Is she being affected by whatever caused her chicks to perish?

In all the years we have been watching their escapades, I have never seen such strange behaviour from a parent, maybe the pair are first time parents?

She did eventually leave the nest box, and was gone for a good hour or so, in which time there were no visits from either parent, and I feared that they had abandoned the nest box, and left the final chick (yes, at this point, I could only see one remaining and resilient chick!), to it's inevitable fate .. I do fear the worst for him, if his parents aren't investing in him. I think we will know soon enough ... 

You can just see the 'last man standing' , bottom right of the nest box:

Well much to my surprise, Mom did return to feed and cover the final chick .. I really thought that they had abandoned the nest, and Dad popped in too with a spot of supper :

If they do invest in him, with only one mouth to feed, he will have a great opportunity to thrive and survive. 

Fingers crossed, let's see what happens over the next 24 hours. 


Saturday 15th May 2021

So, after a whirlwind 24 hours, here we are one week on from hatching day .. 

The current situation, after yesterday's decimation, is that the remaining chick is still alive and kicking, and was tended by Mom overnight, (she seems to have calmed down a bit now!)

Dad is also still around and bringing in food every now and then. Everything looks very normal here:

I was a bit concerned that there are now quite large intervals between nest visits, but then I suppose with only one mouth to feed, the parents can take it a bit easier, plus I suspect that Dad has another nest nearby! Also a bit worried that it is a bit cooler today, and LMS doesn't have any siblings to snuggle up to, to keep warm. 

Can't keep calling him LMS [last man standing!], so I think I will name him Liam (which means 'strong-willed'), and hope that he lives up to his name, and pulls through against all the odds. 🤞

He does look a little forlorn, in the nest all alone .. 😔 and more worrying is that the fact that he is not responding when his parents are bringing in food, so they take it away again!

All we can do now is watch and hope that the parents continue to stay attentive towards him ..

17:00Hrs ... I am beginning to fear the worst ... The parents are bringing in food, but because Liam is not presenting his big yellow beak, I think the parents are getting confused (or annoyed!), as that is what they are expecting to see. They keep jumping in and out of the nest box, as if to trigger a response to the arrival of food, but don't seem to have the patience to wait for him to accept it .. I don't know if Liam is just too cold and weary, but it doesn't bode well if he is not taking food on board ..

18:00Hrs ... I think the end is nigh, however he is still with us, and where there's life there's hope! It looks like whatever has plagued the nest this year (avian Covid??), is catching up with him too .. He is just too weak ..  a couple more days of food and I reckon he would have pulled through.

18:45Hrs ... Dad comes in with a juicy caterpillar, but try as he might, he fails to get a response ... Sadly Liam has joined his siblings in bird heaven ... 


A very sad end after such a promising start ... 

I'm no expert, but I do think that this year's pair were probably first time parents, so may have made a few errors along the way ... However, there was definitely something introduced either to the nest or via some food they brought in, which ripped through the clutch like wildfire, which was probably beyond the control of the parents ..

At the end of the day, they did their best despite the extremely trying and traumatic conditions. I'm sure lessons will be learnt, and they will try again next year.

So, sorry that this season has been abruptly curtailed, (with the new camera as well, typical!), but that's the way it goes sometimes .. 

Have yourselves a great Summer, and God willing, join us again next season, when we can try again, hopefully with a better outcome ..

Stay safe xx

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Wednesday 12th May 2021

Midweek update ....

Not too much to report, although I think we have lost one chick 😢 .. However, try as I might, I can't find the evidence of Mom taking the chick out, so it might just be hiding deeper in the cup !!

You can clearly see 7 chicks here :

As they grow, it should become easier to identify them (or at least count them!).

We have been lucky to have a family in the nestbox most years, but I must say that (so far!), this year's is the most supportive and 'hands-on' Dad we have seen. Normally, the males just forage for food, bring it in to the female, and scarper leaving Mom to feed the chicks. 

This year's is obviously the 'modern man' !! He hangs around much longer to help out, as you can see here :

I mentioned in the previous update, the chatter that goes on between the adults, I find it quite fascinating ! Apart from what they are saying to each other, if you watch carefully, you can see that they communicate with the chicks by a series of commands, which (until their eyes open), instructs them to present their beaks if they want feeding!

Next update at the weekend ... (unless something happens sooner!)

Monday 10 May 2021

Monday 10th May 2021

Not too much to report thus far .. The usual cycle of feed/poo/dispose of !!

Both parents are doing a great job and seem to be coming in with lots of food.  

The calm before the storm until the chicks open their eyes and the feeding frenzy gathers pace!


I think I have confirmed that there are eight chicks, still a bit tricky to see them all at once !! 

See what you think :

A little clip of the parents attending to the mass of yellow beaks, eager for a morsel of food.

Something I hadn't noticed over the past few years (with the lack of a camera microphone), is the amount of chatter between the parents. Love to know what they are saying to each other ? 

I bet he's being chastised for something !! 😂

Saturday 8 May 2021

Miserable day to start a new life ...

Saturday 8th May 2021

Grey skies and rain coming in sideways! not a great start for the new young family, but I'm sure they will persevere ..

I have searched through all of the clips, but still cannot categorically confirm that 8 chicks have successfully hatched .. but I am pretty confident that that is the case. 

It looks like egg no. 9, is not going to hatch, so we will have to pin our hopes on Mom & Dad raising just the 8 new chicks!!


Here we can see the poor bedraggled parents, fresh from their latest sortie to find food, even in this most inclement weather!

Here is Dad doing his bit to feed the chicks before Mom returns... Amazing that at barely 1 day old, the hungry chicks are already presenting their bright yellow gapes begging for food ..

Both parents seem to be finding plenty of food at the moment, for both themselves and the chicks, let's hope that this continues as the chicks ravenous appetites ramps up! and Mom is being very attentive at keeping her brood nice and warm .. 

Not much else happening at the moment ... So, I shall continue to scour the clips, in search of confirmation of 8 big wide yellow gapes !! 

Till next time ... Stay safe and dry !!

New life ... Let the adventure begin ...

Friday 7th May 2021

Woke up this morning to spy a little pink spec, huddled under Mom.

Let the adventures begin, and fingers crossed for a successful outcome ...


Dad peers in to bring Mom some breakfast, and you can imagine him saying wtf! and 'Where's the Mrs. gone now?" 😂

The proud parents, marvelling at their first born: 

Here we see Dad doing his bit ... Can also confirm that there are now 4 chicks at this point:

That first family photo !! 
I think that there are 7 hatchlings at this point, as I'm sure I can still see 2 unhatched eggs :

Couldn't confirm that the full complement had hatched by the evening, as Mom continued to cover them.

Let's see what tomorrow brings ...

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Pre hatching update ...

Ahead of the imminent hatching of this year's brood, I am happy to report that so far everything is going to plan. 👍

Both parents seem very attentive, and the current inclement weather does not seem to have blown them off course!

We can see from this image, that the clutch this year is nine eggs. (I really don't think there is a 10th egg, but she does tend to hide them well!!)

Here we can see Dad doing his bit, by popping in for a chat and bringing in a spot of lunch :

That's all for now, hopefully by the next update we will be able to announce the arrival of  some new hatchlings ..

See you soon ...

Tuesday 27 April 2021

New season, new residents, new camera .. Let the show begin !!

Welcome back to a new season ...

After installing a new camera, I was convinced that we wouldn't get a nesting pair this year !!

To be fair, they were quite late in setting up home, but everything else has moved on a pace since then.

The story so far : 

I spotted the first egg on 5th April, which you can clearly see it here :

However, no further eggs were laid !!

On the 12th April, I noticed that this first egg had also disappeared!

To be fair, we did have that cold snap around this time, so maybe Mom was 'testing the waters' so to speak, before wasting any further effort in laying a clutch which might turn out to be non-viable. 

It was also from this date (12th April), that Mom started to roost in the box overnight. Over the next couple of days she bought it lots of fluffy feathers and bits to line the nest.

I thought it was odd that with the nest complete and the overnight roosting that she still hadn't produced any eggs !! 

It wasn't till the 21st April, that I then spotted, that she had been hiding them very well, as I spied 6 eggs!!

She laid one more egg every day till 25th April ... 

I think the clutch is complete at definitely 9 eggs, (but possibly 10!)

She started incubating the clutch on the 27th April, so, all being well, we should start to see the first hatchlings around about 8th/9th/10th May ..

As she spends most of the day sitting on the eggs, Dad does pop in every now and then to bring her the odd morsel .. here he has bought her a lovely little spider for breakfast, but she obviously doesn't fancy it, and ventures out to find something else !

So, for now, it will be just a matter of watching and waiting until the hatchlings appear.

I will post anything of interest before then ...